How Am I Billed?

Your monthly pricing is calculated based on unique subscribers.

Peter Connolly avatar
Written by Peter Connolly
Updated over a week ago

SmartrMail is affordably priced to generate you sales. You are billed monthly, based on the highest amount of unique, 'opted-in' subscribers you have the prior month. You can calculate your monthly charge on our pricing page.

Am I charged for Unsubscribed Customers?

No. We only charge for 'opted-in', subscribed customers. Any customers who are suppressed (either unsubscribed, or hard bounced) are not included in calculating billing.

What about Duplicate Emails across Lists?

Nope, not charged for duplicates either. We calculate the total number of unique email subscribers, so if a customer is in two lists, they're only counted once.ย 

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