Justuno Account
SmartrMail API Token
SmartrMail API Keys
Log in to SmartrMail
Navigate to Settings > Integrations option. Copy the API Token for later use.
Log in to Justuno
Navigate to and log in using your account credentials. (Or create account if you haven't already)
Connect your SmartrMail account to Justuno (learn how to do that here). Once SmartrMail has been authenticated, go to your desired workflow, and click Edit Workflow. Once in the workflow builder, click the design step containing the form you wish to sync.
Edit Workflow
1. Click the Experiences tab at the top
If you don't already have a workflow, you can set on up following Justuno's instructions here.
2- If you just created your workflow, note that you can access the design by clicking on Options > Edit
3. Click the Sync to App button within the design card. You should see the SmartrMail logo and an "Add" button. Click the Add button
4. Select an email list to subscribe new email contacts to, as well as new SMS subscribers (when using the mobile number field in your design).
Preview and Publish Your Changes
Once you have arranged all fields, be sure to SAVE and then Preview or Publish your Promotion.