Note: This article is only relevant to Neto Users
User Groups (a.k.a. Customer Groups) are the Neto's method of separating customers into different categories by certain rules (i.e. customers who have spent at least $XX). You can watch their video about it here.
To apply the User Group in SmartrMail, the only thing you'll actually need is the name of the User Group (depicted in the red box):
Integration with SmartrMail
Step 1: Create a new Smart Segment
Navigate to the Smart Segments tab, located within the Profiles page,
and click on "Create new segment"
Step 2: Give it a name
From here, pick a suitable name for your smart segment - this is the name that will appear from your SmartrMail admin panel.
Step 3: Choose "User Group"
In this example, I've chosen to continue with the User Group, "Neto Retail Customers" (as used in the Neto demonstration above).
Note: you will need to scroll down to see the "From User Group" option.
Step 4: Enter the name of your User Group
Write the name of your User Group in the side - what you write MUST match the name of the User Group you had in Neto or it will not work. For example, here, I wrote "Retail Customers" in the box to the right as that was what I named the User Group in Neto.
Click "Save & Exit" at the top right corner once you're finished and you're ready to go!