SmartrMail will automatically remove unsubscribed users from your email lists, but if you've recently moved from another email provider, some of your unsubscribed subscribers may be imported to SmartrMail through your eCommerce integration
This happens because most other email providers don't send unsubscribes data back to your eCommerce platform, we do though!
But not to worry! Here's how to bulk unsubscribe those email addresses...
Step 1: Navigate to the Bulk Unsubscribe on the Subscribers page
Step 2: Upload a . CSV of your unsubscribed contacts
Upload .csv files with emails you want to unsubscribe. These can include: unsubscribed, cleaned, and non-subscribed members.
Simply click Choose File, and after you've picked the CSV file, click upload and you should see the name of the file pop up.
If you're on a Mac we recommend saving your CSV as a Windows CSV.
If you previously used MailChimp, info on how to export your CSV file is here:
Step 3: Match the email column and skip all other columns
Once you've chosen the file and clicked Bulk Unsubscribe, you should be directed to this page, where you select the email field/row and skip non-email columns:
Step 4: Review
Click on the ''Unsubscribe Customers'' button on the top right.
And you're done!
Any failed unsubscribes will be listed at the bottom - these are typically invalid emails or emails that are not on your list in the first place so they cant be unsubscribed.